Thursday, September 11, 2008

Been awhile

I've been bad and haven't written in awhile. Time for a quick update although it has been same ole around here. We've been here about 6 weeks now and I guess it's starting to feel more like home. I still haven't made any friends and don't know anyone so that's making it feel strange. I went back to KC last weekend for Weston's birthday party and man I miss it. I miss the city and most importantly I miss my friends. Best friends are a treasure you want to hang onto for a lifetime. Joe is going back to KC next weekend for a guy's trip. I know he misses his friends too but he knows tons of people through work and could go out every night with someone different, although he doesn't and wouldn't so I think it's different for him. I'm trying to get involved with Isabella's school but it's been hard to meet anyone. Alot of people grew up here and know everyone. Either that or it seems like all the parents are that much older than me so it seems like it would be a weird relationship. I'm struggling a little with this. If Joe's schedule allowed for me to go to chuch every Sunday, I would be all over it. I know I would have an easier time meeting people that way. I guess to sum it all up, I'm having the hardest time adjusting to the move than anyone else. Joe has his job. All I have are the kids. And even though that's a job in it of itself, it isn't as fulfilling as I would like it to be. I need more! We'll see how the second month here finishes up.

Joe and I have our 6 year wedding anniversary on Sunday. Looking forward to that! I'll blog more later. Oh and here's a pic from last weekend with the Herrman's. 4 little best friends!