Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Almost a month

Can you believe it? We've almost lived in Ashland for one month! It did go by fast and we have been busy. Isabella started pre-k yesterday and she is really enjoying it. She looks forward to going and picking out her new outfit to wear. She's so funny. I know how badly she wants to make new friends. I'm hoping to meet other moms through her school as well. So far, I haven't met anyone. Hopefully that will all change sometime soon. We went to the Ashland Rodeo on Sat. It was our first venture out into Ashland and the kids, Joe and I had a really really fun time. The kids loved it and are already talking about going next year. I meant to go visit a new church last Sunday but I couldn't find anywhere what time the services started. I finally drove by the church today and got the times for their services. There are two churches I want to visit. One is Methodist and one is Baptist. One starts at 8am and the other 10. Isabella and I are going to go to one this coming Sunday. I feel that will be a great way to meet people as well. Here's a picture from the rodeo this weekend and Bella's first day of pre-K.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

We made it~

Wow...what a couple of weeks we have had! We finally got moved to Ashland! I can hardly believe it! Everything went well with the radon test, appraisal and inspection and we closed on our house yesterday. We no longer own our house in Blue Springs and everything went off without a hitch. THANK GOD! We moved here to Ashland on August 1st and things are getting some what back to normal. We got all moved in and are mostly unpacked. There are a few random boxes here and there and tons of picture hanging to do but otherwise life is back to normal. The kids adjusted immediately. I was a little surprised by that but thankfully so. Isabella starts school August 25th and she is very ready for that; I am too! Just a quick update today. Life is finally getting grand again and I am so thankful and ready to start this new chapter in our lives. AMEN!