Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Counting down

The count down to moving day is on! Yesterday we had a radon test set up to be read 48 hours later. My luck we have radon in the house! Ha! Today we had the appraisal and that went fine. Tomorrow is the inspection; hope that goes well and there aren't any hold ups or anything we have to do! I bought $200 worth of boxes today so I've got lots to do before Thursday. PACKING PACKING PACKING! FUN! I am so excited and ready to get this show on the road.

I got to go out to dinner with Brenda and Danielle last night. We had a fabulous time. Bill babysat the kids and it was really nice to have a night out. It was an informal "send off" since we're moving. I'm not saying goodbye to anyone because I feel like I'm always going to come back. My heart is here and will always be here. I fell in love here, got married here, had both my babies here. Kansas City will always hold a special place in my heart.

I met Matt and Cori's newest addition to the Gillispie family yesterday too. The kids and I went and met little Alli Michelle Gillispie at their house. She was 4 days old! You forget how small and adorable babies are when they are that little. She slept the whole time we were there but I'm glad I got to meet her since I won't be able to see anyone for awhile.

That's it from me for now. Busy busy busy around here but so excited. Just praying the inspection goes well tomorrow. That's the only thing that could hold us up but we are offering the buyers a warranty so they shouldn't be too concerned. Praying for a passing grade A inspection. Then all we have to do is wait for closing! Talk soon.

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