Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rainy Tuesday

One more day till Joe's back! Yay! This week's been fine though. Somehow we've managed to stay busy. It is rainy today so that means no outside play time. We did go to the library yesterday so we all have some books to read. That helps! Not much to report.

The buyers called Joe Sunday night and said they were prepared to present an offer and we should be getting via email sometime this week. Then they called Joe yesterday and said they weren't sure if they were going to use their realtor or not but they would be in touch once they decided. We haven't heard anything yet. I'm getting anxious..the clock is ticking.

I put together a girl's night In for Friday night. That's always fun. Terri offered to host and there will be a good group of us. Always love my nights with my girls. They rock!

Really don't have much else to say. It's been business as usually this week. Just keeping everything crossed and prayers said that these buyers and us can make this deal work out for everyone.

I have to post a pic because I said I would every post so here's an oldie but goodie from highschool. Old pictures crack me up. If I had a scanner I could really bust out the oldies but here's one Megan gave us at the reunion last year. Hilarious CD she put together. Prom 1997.

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