Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm so out of here!

So much has happened since I last wrote. Our finicky buyers ended up calling Joe Tuesday night and said they wanted the house but for the cheaper price we agreed to on Sat. So basically we're paying their downpayment, paying all their closing costs, giving them a home warranty and the price is well below appraisal and market value. They are getting a STEAL. And we just put a new roof on the house on Wednesday. They came over Thursday evening to sign the contracts. So we are officially "under contract." We are set to close on August 15th. They have their inspection on Wednesday.

We got the duplex we applied for too! We move in next weekend, Aug.1st. I think it will work out nicely. It's a four bedroom, 3 full bath duplex that was built in 2005 so it's fairly new. We'll be saving about $300 a month just on rent so that should be nice. I'm really excited. I already started changing our address and packing. The countdown is on!

Thursday night was girl's night at the K (Royal's). We had a good group and it was a lot of fun. Here's a picture. It is going to be so weird to live away. These girls have been my "girls" since I was 20 years old. 10 years! I know I'll only be 2 hours away and I'll come back for all the fun stuff but it's weird. I'm excited to meet new friends and start our lives in Ashland but oh how bitter sweet it is to leave.
That's it for now. Just wanted to post a quick update. I am going to be super busy in the upcoming days. Only 4 full days to pack the rest of the house up. I've been packing the last 7 months on and off. Now it's time to wrap up and be done! I don't look forward to the actual moving part but the end result is going to be AWESOME. My family will finally be back together again. Oh I got so sad last night. I was doing laundry and Isabella found one of Joe's undershirts that needed to be washed. She put it on and started crying saying that it smelled like her daddy and she misses him so much. It broke my heart. I've never seen her just start crying like that so out of the blue. She slept in his shirt last night and she still has it on today. She won't take it off. It's pretty sweet!

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