Sunday, July 6, 2008

A few days lost

I didn't write for a few days but that's okay. I'll recap. At least I'm sticking to writing for the most part. That's saying something. I think it says that I am lonely but that's okay too...I am! We ended up making plans for the 4th...thank God. Joe's mom called us that morning and asked what we had going on. She was free and so were we so we made a day and night of it. It was fun. It did make me sad, however, that none of my friends invited the kids and I to do anything. I know Liv had her party but when the invite said they have a babysitter and when the kids are away so the adults want to play, I gather they don't want kids there. And the 4th is one of my favorite holidays and I want to spend it with my chilren. Watching their faces light up at the sight of the fireworks is priceless to me. Barrett didn't remember the 4th last year since he was only like 7 months old so this was the first time he really "watched" fireworks. He was hilarious. He'd say "wow" and "cool" and put his arms out towards them like he could catch them. It really was sweet. And Isabella LOVED it. She asked all day if it was time yet. She was like a kid waiting for Santa she wanted to see those fireworks so bad. She really enjoyed them too. It was a great day. We ate a lot, we went swimming, we drank wine and beer and we stayed up late. It was fun. Jennifer is great company and the kids love their Nana J so much. We ended up staying the night. Barrett was so tired after the fireworks. Then we spent the whole day yesterday with Jennifer as well. Then we had to get home to clean before we showed the house again.

The couple came over with their realtor and stayed for 30 min or so. Everyone still seemed to like the house and they said they would be in touch. I guess we'll see. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow we'll call and see if we can't get them to make us an offer. They have to! We have to sell this house NOW. We don't have any other prospects. No one else is calling and no one else is interested. We have to move in August.

Today is Sunday and we have nothing planned. Joe doesn't get home until Wed.night so I've got a long week ahead. Sucks! Today will be devoted to laundry, dishes, and grocery shopping. FUN! Well, that's it. I don't need to bore with all the mundane stuff of every day life. I am going to add a picture every time I post..just to liven it up a bit. So here's a picture for viewing pleasure; Nana J and her grandkids running through the sprinklers. Summer fun!

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