Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Longest without a post!

Wow...a whole week went by! That's the longest I've gone so far without a post but I've been pretty busy. Joe had a long 4 days off which means he was here for 5 nights and 4 days. We kept busy but relaxed at the same time.

We have buyers on our house! They came over on Sunday and presented us with an offer. We countered their offer and they called yesterday verbally accepting our offer. Our attorney is drawing up the contracts as we speak and we will hopefully meet tomorrow to sign them. Both parties are looking for a fast close so we're thinking second week in August but maybe before. The sooner the better for everyone! I'm just still really nervous and stressed. We still have to go through appraisal and inspection. And although everything should be fine with the house, we know this house inside and out, you just never know what might show up. And then everything with their funding has to pan out....just a lot of things have to go right in order for closing to take place. We've been through this before! But this time we have no more time. This is it. It is now or never. So I'm praying and keeping everything crossed that everything will fall into place where it should. Joe is looking this evening at a potential house in Ashland. We have to buy a house that quickly too and there isn't a whole lot to choose from. Everyone is moving to Ashland! But honostly, I don't care. I'll live anywhere, just so I can get my family back together and my daughter in pre-school. So, it may not be my "dreamhouse" but that's okay. One day I'll have my dreamhouse. Good things come to those who wait.

Had a blast with my girlfriends over the weekend. We all met at Terri's and had a great time catching up. It's a running joke that all we ever talk about when we are together is our husbands, babies and birthcontrol! It is so nice to be with my girls though. I will really miss that but I know I'll make some great friends in Ashland. Saturday night we went over to the Williams' house to hang out and let the kids play. We also had a lot of fun. Jared and Joe got to catch up, all the kids got to play and Kristin and I could gab together. Jared busted out some old home videos of all of us "pre-kid" days and we had a laugh. We had some good times back in the day. The only thing that made me really sad was the fact that in every video, Kristin and I were always together. Sitting together, talking together, laughing together. We were best friends! We lived in the same apartment complex! Things just really changed between us over the years and although we are still really great friends, it's just not the same. And I guess that happens. You get busy and grow apart. I'm not as close with any of my friends as we were before we all had kids because we can't be. We all have kids! But it was funny to see us 6 years ago. Here's an old pic from Jen and Jim's wedding...random but fun.

Well, that's all for now. Keeping everything crossed that this will work out for everyone. I know the buyers want it to just as bad. Bye for now!

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