Tuesday, July 1, 2008

First Day

My first blog. I started one on this site months ago and gave up but this time I'm going to stick to it. I write in a journal as much as I can remember to so I might as well post online and add pictures. I'm such a photo freak that I might as well combine writing with pictures. And with Joe gone the majority of the time, I have the time. Let's see what I can do with this. Bear with me, I'm new to this!

So I guess here's a quick update on what's going on with me. It is July 1st 2008. I can NOT believe it is already July. I've been counting the months so closely since Joe moved to Columbia January 2 of this year. The rest of the family and I are trying to move there as well but we can not sell our house. It has been the toughest thing I have ever had to do. When it was listed with a realtor we showed it 60 times. We had one offer. After firing her and listing it forsalebyowner we've shown it quite a bit and had a contract after the first week. I will never list a home with a realtor again. Unfortunately, however, the contract fell through since the couple couldn't get their funding in order. So we're back to square one and on to month 7 of trying to sell. We've got a couple coming on Sat. for the second time so hopefully something good will come of it. It's got to. We just can't keep going on this way. It's not fair to Joe, to the kids or me. We all feel the effects of being apart and it's awful. Isabella got accepted to a fabulous pre-K in Ashland and I want more than anything for her to able to attend. That starts in Aug.and we obviously have to live there in order for her to go to school there so the time crunch is on. We'll see. We pray every day and night that God will send the right buyers to our house. We know we have to be patient but it is hard when it has gone on for this long.

Update on the kids. Isabella is 4 years and 4 months old. She's one smart cookie. I feel like I am talking with one of my girlfriends when we have conversations together. She helps me get through being without Joe because at least I have someone to talk to. Barrett is 19 months old and doing well. He's running all over the place, trying to keep up with his big sister. He just adores her; most of the time anyways. He is a HUGE momma's boy. But I secretly love it. He's my sweetie boy and I can't get enough kisses and hugs from him. He's just so yummy!

We just got back from a lake trip to the Ozarks and had a blast, as usual. It was Barrett's first time though and both he and Isabella had fun. All of Joe's California family were in town and we spent a long weekend together cruising the lake, coving out, fishing, eating and drinking a lot of wine! I think everyone had fun. The Ozarks can't compare to the California coast but how can you duplicate family made memories?

Well, we'll see what else I can with this blog since this is my first post. You will notice that I will get better at this each time I log in. I'm excited to get this started and post pictures.

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