Thursday, July 3, 2008

Watch out, I'm on a roll

I gave myself a big hug today for continuing my blog AND Joe's in town! I haven't shared my blog with anyone yet and I'm not really sure if I will. I have never shared my journal with anyone, that would be weird so I"m not sure if I will share this blog or not. We'll see.

Anyways, like I said, Joe's in town today and it's nice to have him here. Just doing the little things like taking the kids to the park, the library and going to the grocery store are more fun when's he is doing them with us. That's what we've done so far today. Even my tuna fish sandwich tastes better when he's here =) Silly, I know, but it is so true.

Last night was interesting. After dinner, we were all laying around, flipping through the TV channels, bored, when a bad storm came through Blue Springs. Wouldn't you know, we lost power but it was fun. We lit candles, found the flashlight and even dug out the weather radio, that I swear is older than Joe. We just sat around in the dark and listened to it rain and watched the lightning. The kids had fun playing with the flashlight and we just laughed and talked. The power didn't come on for like two hours later. By that time, Barrett had been put to bed and I busted out the laptop to watch a movie. Flashlight fun only lasted about an hour and a half. But it was an interesting way to spend the night. Glad Joe was in town because I would have gone crazy bymyself not to mention be a little scared.

So I had a weird dream last night that I was very pregnant. I don't know if it is because I know so many pregnant people right now or what but it's been on my mind all day today. It was such a realistic dream. I was like really showing and I could feel being pregnant in my dream, it was odd. I don't think it is any kind of subliminal message or anything. I'm really happy with my two children and don't want to have anymore but I didn't hate being pregnant in my dream. But it was just that, a dream. I guess I could word that differently and say it was a nightmare but that would be a lie. It was was just what it was.

So tomorrow is fourth of July and for the first time EVER than I can remember, I have absolutely nothing planned. It feelsl really really weird. Joe has to go back to Columbia in the morning and no one has invited us to do anything. Olivia is having a party but her kids aren't going to be there and I will obviously have my two with me. Joe's mom hasn't even mentioned getting together which means she must have plans with her boyfriend or friend. I kind of feel like a big loser for not having anything to do. So we are celebrating with Joe tonight though. We are going to grill out hamburgers and drink some beers. I love the 4th, it's one of my favorite holidays so we had to celebrate it somehow. We did go to a BBQ at the Greimann's Sat. night though for an early celebration. Here's a picture. Joe and the kids went with us too. It was fun. I love being with my girlfriends. The night is never long enough when we are all together. There's always so much catching up to do. I swear, the older we get, the more we have to talk about. I remember this same group, in our younger years, like 10 years ago. Maybe it was because we saw each other like every other day, we didn't have as much to talk about. Now when we get together, you can't get any of us to shut up. Girl's nights aren't about meeting guys, for most of us, they are about catching up on each other's lives. Each of us has something in our lives that we are going through whether we are just dating, just getting married, thinking about starting a family, having our third baby, moving, etc. Life is just more complicated now than it was in our early 20's. But I'm glad my friends and I have been through everything together. That's friendship. I only pray God will bless me with more amazing women to met when I finally move to Ashland.
Well, better go see if I can make some plans for the 4th. I feel like such a dork! It's all good though. I guess if worse comes to worse, I'll just take the kids to watch fireworks somewhere. Our city is one of the last city in the metro that still lets you shoot off fireworks anywhere. My street turns into a war zone but Isabella LOVES it. Barrett not so much so we'll see.

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